Heart Jewel Prayers


See calendar for schedule. 

The Essential Practices of Kadampa Buddhism

Je Tsongkhapa showed a perfect example of how to build the foundation for the spiritual path, how to progress on that path, and how to complete it.

- Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

The first is a popular practice of Relying on the Spiritual Guide in association with Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa, through which we can receive blessings and gain the realisations of the entire path to enlightenment.

Heart Jewel

The second is a special method to overcome obstacles and create favorable conditions for success in our spiritual practice by relying upon the Wisdom Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

These two special practices lie at the heart of Modern Kadampa Buddhism and are practiced every day by individuals and Kadampa centers around the world.


Complete and essential practices
In short, Heart Jewel provides an explanation of how to overcome obstacles and difficulties on the spiritual path by developing compassion, wisdom and spiritual strength.