Northwest Dharma Celebration 2025 Registration Now Open!
Join us on March 21 - 23 for The Northwest Dharma Celebration - a special opportunity for people from all over the Northwest to gather together as a spiritual community to receive empowerments, Dharma teachings, and to spendĀ time with Sangha.

The Healing Power of Meditation - An Evening Talk
Meditation is a tool we use to understand, transform and heal our own mind. To fulfill our own and others' wishes for lasting happiness, we need to heal our mental continuum. We can accomplish this through the practice of meditation. Please join us for an inspiring talk by Gen-la Kelsang Jampa to learn about the healing power of meditation.

When Times Are Tough
How can we be happy and confident when times are uncertain? We do this by learning how to build an inner resiliency that is calm and adaptable no matter what comes.Ā
Join us Saturday March 8th, for teachings on Buddhist refuge practice - The Three Jewels of Buddhism - and explore how we can create a brighter future for ourselves and others.
Refuge RetreatĀ |Ā March 9 - 13
Sessions begin Sunday 9th at 2:00pm
Our refuge is our inner strength, and the source of our peace of mind and happiness.Ā Join us for retreat sessions to deepen your understanding and experience of the Refuge Practice teachings learned at Saturday's day course.
Retreat begins on Sunday, March 9thĀ at 2:00pm.
Monday Evening Class Series
Cleaning Up Our Relationships
February 17 - March 17, 7:00 to 8:15 pm
Meditation Changes Everything
So much of the stress and tension we normally experience comes from our mind, and many of the problems we experience, including ill health, are caused or aggravated by this stress. Just by doing breathing meditation for ten or fifteen minutes each day, we will be able to reduce this stress.
We will experience a calm, spacious feeling in the mind, and many of our usual problems will fall away. Difficult situations will become easier to deal with, we will naturally feel warm and well disposed towards other people, and our relationships with others will gradually improve.
We should train in this preliminary meditation until we gain some experience of it. However, if we want to attain permanent, unchanging inner peace, and if we want to become completely free from problems and suffering, we need to advance beyond simple breathing meditation to more practical forms of meditation, such as the cycle of twenty-one Lamrim meditations explained in
The New Meditation Handbook
by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso